With the help of SickKids Foundation, we are extremely proud to announce that we have started our very own fundraiser, which, you guessed it, is named "Team Autumn". With the help of friends, family and community members, we will be selling merchandise and organizing events where all net proceeds collected will be going to our fundraiser.
To donate, click HERE

90% of the money collected from donations, merchandise sales and events will go to support Dr. Meredith Irwin's neuroblastoma research team at SickKids in Toronto, and the other 10% will be going into SickKids unrestricted fund, where these funds are used to purchase PPE's and other medical supplies, and help with patient and family support. This gives the hospital flexibility to use this 10% in areas that are most needed to help the hospital.
In February 2022, our little Autumn was diagnosed with Stage 4 Metastatic High-Risk Neuroblastoma. As a family, we had never even heard of neuroblastoma before, and so we went into a deep research dive to figure out what it meant. As per the Canadian Cancer Society, neuroblastoma is a cancer that starts in immature nerve cells in the sympathetic nervous system. It accounts for about 6% of all cancers in children, and there are approximately 50 to 70 new cases of neuroblastoma diagnosed every year in Canada. Just like Autumn, 50-70% of these cases has already metastasized at the time it is found. The 5-year survival rate for metastasized neuroblastoma is around 50%.

Read the latest Neuroblastoma Progress Report from Dr. Meredith Irwin @ SickKids Hospital in Toronto here.
90% of the money collected from donations, merchandise sales and events will go to support Dr. Meredith Irwin's neuroblastoma research team at SickKids in Toronto, and the other 10% will be going into SickKids unrestricted fund, where these funds are used to purchase PPE's and other medical supplies, and help with patient and family support. This gives the hospital flexibility to use this 10% in areas that are most needed to help the hospital.
Dr. Meredith Irwin is not only Autumn's oncologist, she is also the Paediatrican-in-Chief at SickKids Hospital in Toronto. If you thought THAT was impressive, read through this!

The best way to help is to help us achieve our fundraising goal. You can do this by simply clicking on the donation button on this page, and donate! Any donation over $20 will receive a tax receipt from SickKids Foundation. Another way is by purchasing our merchandise, as all net proceeds from merchandise sales will be going directly to the Team Autumn Fundraiser.
However, we know not everyone can donate financially, and it is something we completely understand. We have created a site where you can find other ways to help, either by donating blood, registering as an organ donor or volunteering for a worthy organization. We are EXTREMELY appreciative and so grateful of everyone's support.
Find other ways to help HERE