Good evening to all of our Team Autumn followers!
I wanted to start off by saying a HUGE thank you to each and every one of you who have purchased some Team Autumn merchandise! We are placing our first order with the supplier this week, so now is the chance to be the first ones to be able to proudly wear your shirts, hoodies, hats and drive around with your decal! We can't wait to showcase them off, and please send us your selfies or your pictures in your new clothes!
Autumn has had an amazing few weeks, where she was able to spend some good quality time with family and school friends! From fishing at grandpa's house and spending time with gramma and papa, to seeing Madame Josée and her friends in school, playing with her sister Olivia and mom and dad, Rachel and Karl and nana and Stella; she's been VERY busy! (We're about to set a calendar for her to schedule her meets)

The last visit at the hospital, we had a biopsy done on a mass that's growing on her chest, and doctors have confirmed to us that yes, this is a cancerous mass, however, it does have a slight different genetic marker then the rest of the cancer in her body. What this means - well no one really knows, however, it will help with future cases of neuroblastoma and will hopefully, one day, find a cure! This specific cancer gene is aggressive and quiet, which means we are monitoring it closely. Once it gets to a specific point, we will be discussing our options, such as more chemotherapy or radiation to ease the growth.
On another note, we've all noticed the same thing: Autumn has been growing every single day, and she is becoming more and more a grown kid. Her words, her love, her cuddles; she has always had a heart of gold and it's shining so bright right now. She is so much more understanding of other people's feelings and their emotions, she wants to make sure that everyone is happy and ok! She loves to love, and we are SO incredibly proud of her every single minute.
Tomorrow, she goes on her first ever school trip, in a school bus, to a streetcar museum with her friends and teacher. She is REALLY excited and we can't wait to share pictures.
We are continuously impressed by how energetic, loving, caring and sweet she is, matched with her resilience, power and courage. We are equally impressed, thankful and grateful to our HUGE support system, helping us throughout our journey. None of this would be possible without ALL your help!
She is our princess! WE are the lucky ones, being able to spend every day with her. 💛💛
Beautiful post, she is teaching us all so much, 💛 what a beautiful mommy/daughter photo!