I started #volunteering for Make-A-Wish Canada in 2015, after having the privilege of meeting and spending time with #wishkids and their families while working at WestJet.
As a volunteer, I am a #wishgranter, where I meet with children and families and help make their wishes come true. I am also a speaker, where I attend galas, events and fundraisers to promote the benefits of a wish to children living with critical illnesses and their families.

Through life’s unknown, our family suffered one of world’s toughest challenges, when our little Autumn was diagnosed with Stage 4 High-Risk Metastatic #Neuroblastoma. Autumn was the recipient of a #wish, where we spent an amazing week as a family, smiling and enjoying every moment.
This weekend, we were invited to the absolutely amazing #FriendsHelpingToMakeAWish gala, organized by Sam Maltese and his family and friends, to promote the importance of all the work Make-A-Wish does, and to show first-hand the impact of a wish, but this time, as a #wishdad.
An impressive $40,000 was raised for this absolutely incredible organization, who goes above and beyond to give sick kids and their families, just like ours, the opportunity to be happy and forget. A huge thank you to Sam and his family for opening their hearts and welcoming us and making Autumn feel like the #princess that she is.

Thank you to Stephen Lecce, Steven Del Duca and Anna Roberts MP for spending time with us and using your #babysitting skills to take care of our beautiful girl. Thank you to Natalie Anderson, Lynda Debono and everyone at #MakeAWish for showing love, support and care to our family. Thanks to former #Leafs players Wendel Clark and Doug Gilmour for their appearance and support. Thank you to #PrincessElsa for giving Autumn a night she will never forget, and to the anonymous donor who made sure she’d always be driving in style!
Most importantly, thank you to all of you who came to the event, donated and showed love and support to our family.
Thank you to everyone who spend time volunteering for their #communities and giving back, those who go and #GiveBlood and those who make sure families like ours are supported through every step of our journey.
Our lives would not be the same without all of you in it.